How you do one thing is how you do everything.

This statement is in the process of changing my life and my mindset. Over the last few years, I have become that person who cares about some things and half-asses some other things because they really “aren’t that important” to me. What I’ve come to realize though, is problems, whether in your business, or your finances, or really anywhere else, are not the problems. If you’re having money problems, it’s because YOU are having problems, not because of the numbers in your bank account. Once I realized that, my life started to change.

After going through the 90 Day Budget Bootcamp from the Busy Budgeter, I found out I wasn’t alone in this realization. One of the first few challenges is actually to make sure your dishes are out of the sink every night! Why? What the heck does that have to do with a budget?? Here’s the thing, If you have a mess in your home, it will transfer to the other areas of your life. If you look at those few dishes and decide you’ll “do them later” because maybe you “don’t feel like it right now”, I guarantee I can find other areas in your life that look just like that. If you only pick up after yourself because someone else (roommate? Spouse?) would hate it if you left it out, in what other areas do you only act because somebody else is expecting you to?

Likewise, when you care for your home and its contents, that too spills over into everything else you do. When I read The Magical Art of Tidying Up, Marie Kondo found all her clients continued to have success in every other area! People began to lose weight, double their businesses, clean up their relationships – all because they spent a few days cleaning their houses down to what brought them joy. Why?

How you do one thing is how you do everything.

So let me know! When you look at your life, which areas of your life are pushing you towards your goals? Which areas are pushing you away?