It’s been about a week. Man what a week. I’ve never so quickly fluttered from

“God bless the Universe and all that is good! It’s finally happening!”


“OMG what the hell was I thinking? I can totally commute 80 miles each way, I can’t just leave my job like this!”

I knew I was an emotional being but damn! Either way, there’s no turning back now. It happened far sooner than I expected, totally not on my schedule, and really came as a shock to me, but either way,

I have quit my job to pursue being the Badass Budget Babe full time!

Last Monday, I stepped into a meeting with my boss to tell him I would be moving back in with my parents for a few months and to ask what kind of options there were for me to stay with my company. Turns out there aren’t any. So they asked for my resignation within the hour and told me my last day would be November 30th. So there you have it. As quickly as the job fell into my lap 15 months ago, it was gone. After getting excited, then crying, then shaking in fear, then getting motivated to make money moves, I’m left with the million dollar question.


Considering I have been dreaming about this moment since age 6, I decided to answer that question with a list of 10 things I know for sure, and then a list of 10 things I’m not quite as sure about.

Things I know for sure:

  1. I’m going to be okay, no matter what scary times come, no matter if I hit 6 figures this year, no matter if I have to eat ramen every day for a year, no matter how many special events I choose to throw or skip out on, no matter if I have to sell so much the cat thinks he’s next, I’ll be just fine.
  2. I’m going to give this thing a badass babe, balls to the wall, no holds barred go – which is exactly the advice I’d give to any of you. Do it badass or don’t do it. For 1 year, I won’t job hunt, I won’t give up. I’m just going to grind, day in and day out for the next year to make this work. If I can’t prove to myself that I can make my brand stable and profitable by then, I’ll reassess for 2019.
  3. If you’re a creative business owner (or know one) who freaks out about your money, I want to chat!
  4. My life is unfolding in God’s perfect timing.
  5. I’m so excited to talk with more of you in the finance community! I’ll finally have the time and the bandwidth to make this blog a priority! Hellooooo consistent posts and a real Insta strategy!
  6. I love that I have so much swag from my old job – best backpack and a ton of hoodies!
  7. I’m going to learn everything there is to know about having a crazy amazing business in the online world. From slaying my social game to diversifying my income streams, be prepared for a million book reviews up here
  8. Excited to finally not just be cooking for myself! I can’t wait to have my parents come home to dinner being made (and then they can clean the dishes)
  9. I’m going to stay friends with my current coworkers and I’m really excited for work dates and lots of collabs with all the solopreneurs out in LA (hit me up y’all!)
  10. This is going to be my biggest year in my business since I started it back in January of 2014.

Things I haven’t figured out yet:

  1. Does wearing comfy pants every day make me lazy? Some people say you should get dressed for real, is that a thing?
  2. How does one get health insurance on the open market? How much insurance does one even need? Can I do that in a single day before my health insurance runs out?
  3. Will my cat get along well with my parent’s cat? Or will their cat beat up my cat and take his lunch money? Do you think I can bring home extra cats without them noticing?
  4. Can I stay out at all hours without worrying my parents? Or will I need to check in with them if I’m not coming home?
  5. How much have I pushed my debt free date by making this leap?
  6. Can I sip mai tai’s on the beach with a mini umbrella now that I’m self-employed? Or is that just a marketing scheme?
  7. Will I be able to get another job if I do have to reassess 2019 or is this gap year frowned upon?
  8. What necessities have I NOT considered when it comes to taking this full time?
  9. How does one appropriately “social media”? At what point do likes become dollar bills, or is that not how it works?
  10. How much coffee can I convince my parents to keep stacked in the house? Do I need to pay for all of it or will they split that?

Over the next year, I guarantee both lists will grow. And some parts will shrink. WeddingWire, it’s been real, it’s been a blessing, and man has it been a fun ride! Thank you for all you’ve taught me, thank you for adding to the person I am now. In part because of you, I know one thing’s for sure.

I’m Ary, the Badass Budget Babe. I empower millennials around their finances so they can make confident decisions towards their futures, and I am so stoked to change the money game.

Now go, be badass.