Today is the Day I Leap

2018-07-06T10:47:24-08:00November 28th, 2017|

It’s been about a week. Man what a week. I’ve never so quickly fluttered from “God bless the Universe and all that is good! It’s finally happening!” to “OMG what the hell was I thinking? I can totally commute 80 miles each way, I can’t just leave my job like this!”

New Year, Same Me – Sorta

2018-05-28T10:31:26-08:00December 31st, 2016|

It is the end of the year! Woo Hoo! After a long and grueling 2016, I think it's safe to say that nearly everyone is waiting for the ball to drop. Along with this excitement comes a desire to start fresh in the new year. People make resolutions, start new projects and are ready to make changes.

So It Begins

2018-05-28T10:32:23-08:00December 22nd, 2016|

Hey there stranger fellow badass. You’re probably wondering who is [...]

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