If you’ve spent any time on this site, you know I think future me is just as important as present me and that neither of them should be neglected for the other. This isn’t everyone’s opinion on their journey, and that’s cool with me.

Not my journey, not my problem.

Don’t get me wrong. I mean, those people have a good point. Clearly, I can’t experience financial freedom by doing the same things that got me into a financial prison. Experiencing this freedom has taken a lot of time, energy, sacrifice and decision making on my part. The thing is, I think this whole money thing is a fun game we get to play and that it all comes down to definitions and strategy.

So as of today (cus it changes every once in awhile) my definition of financial freedom is as follows:

  1. My savings account is of the highest importance and at least 10% of all I earn is mine to keep. This is my highest priority because this is my ability to handle anything that comes my way in life. When I had to chose to leap from my job into the new territory of self-employment, my savings account gave me the ability to move twice, pay all bills on time, never go without a need, and take my business off the ground (which it now totally is!) If I only kept a small Emergency Fund, I would have been in a completely different space and wouldn’t be able to help people with their finances now.
  2. Debt payoff. I refuse to allow past decisions to affect the ability I have to make decisions today. When I am debt free, I’ll be able to make any decisions I want because all the thousands of dollars currently being paid back to the bank will be in my pocket *woop woop!*
  3. Living my best life today. Travel is one of my BIGGEST loves. I will visit the world one of these days (and own houses in my favorite countries, but that’s a chat for another day). I love the fact that I can work and make an impact from anywhere in the world, while having a blast with friends and family. Straight up, this is not something I’m willing to wait on.

There are a lot of people in the finance community that look at that list like I’m crazy. Some people wait till retirement or until they’ve hit some arbitrary goal they set and if that’s you, CONGRATS. Keep it up and send me pics when you get to your destination!

I am well aware that if I traveled less I’d speed up goals 1&2.

I’m also aware if I put all my savings towards debt then I’d be able to save more at another time.

But I don’t actually care about that.

I’m most aware that I want all 3 now. And that I’m getting all three as we speak.

Now that I have my definition of how I can experience financial freedom today, check out PT 2 where we talk about setting up a strategy for success.

What I’d really like to know though, is: what’s YOUR definition of financial freedom? Comment below and let me know!